SafeSurfing Project Success
This month we had the final management meeting for our SafeSurfing project, having completed all our training sessions in five different countries and languages.
Safe Surfing is an innovative project developed by Inclusion Europe and four of its members – Mencap, Anffas, Plena Inclusion and PSONI – to train persons with intellectual disabilities on data protection and safe online behavior.
The internet is useful in many ways, however, sometimes there can be risks and dangers, such as stolen personal data and cyber bullying. People with an intellectual disability are especially at risk; the SafeSurfing project was developed to tackle this. Everyone has a right to access the internet safely and be protected from abuse.
The goal of the project was to provide persons with intellectual disabilities with personal support and knowledge to help them use the internet and share information with others in a safe way. Each session covers an important aspect of safe online behavior:
Module 1: How to use the internet safely and protect my personal data.
Module 2: Dangers of the internet.
Module 3: How to stay safe using the internet and applications.
Module 4: Facebook and browser safety.
Module 5: Summary of main points.
The modules comprised of a webinar with interactive activities, exercises and questions. Preparatory materials were sent before each module to introduce the topic and afterwards the participants were provided with summary points for reflection.
Everyone who took part was invited to evaluate the training and the results were overwhelmingly positive; the vast majority affirmed that they learned new and valuable information whilst enjoying the course.
You can learn watch our project videos in other languages here. Share them with your friends to help others stay safe online!