Participate in the work of Inclusion Europe
“Inclusion Europe is an exciting community advocating for persons with intellectual disabilities and their families in Europe.”
Inclusion Europe is the only democratic representation of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families on the European level.
We advocate for a better life, more rights and better services for people with intellectual disabilities.
In order to be able to do our work, we need active people and organisations.
You can participate in our work in different ways:
- Get information about our work.
- Participate in discussions regarding different topics.
- Participate in seminars, conferences, working groups and study visits.
- Donate to help us do our work.
- Become a member of Inclusion Europe.
Be informed
Inclusion Europe publishes different types of information:
- You can find a list of our publications here.
- You can join one of our mailing lists.
- You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Please use this information to tell your friends and colleagues about Inclusion Europe and our work.
Tell us what you think
We value your opinion and perspective.
You can share your points of view and ideas with us, for example on Facebook.
Or contact us by e-mail or post.
Participate in our meetings
Inclusion Europe organises events in different countries and languages.
Surely you will find events which are interesting and accessible for you.
Take part in our discussions and learn from the experiences of other countries.
Take part in seminars and study visits.
Help us financially
People with intellectual disabilities, their families and organisations need money to fight for their rights.
The same is true for Inclusion Europe.
We need money for our projects.
We need money to help self-advocates to defend their opinions.
If you would like to give money for our work, donate now.
Become our member
The European voice of Inclusion Europe is only as strong as its members.
We need people and organisations in our network in order to have a stronger voice.
- Organisations working on national level can become regular members.
- Self-advocacy organisations can become members of the European Platform of Self Advocates.
- Local and regional organisations can also join.
- All other organisation with an interest in intellectual disability can become associated members.
Click on “Join us” to find out how you can become a member.