Call for Participation: Capacity Building in European Policies Event
As every year, Inclusion Europe is organising an event on “Capacity Building in European Policies” for self-advocates, family members and professionals from 7. – 9.11.2016 in Brussels. It will bring intellectual disability activists in direct contact with European disability policies. Some of the events will take place at the European Parliament.
Mondary 7.11.
14.00 – 18.00 |
Introduction to European policies and activities
Especially for peer-supporters involved in TOPSIDE+ project and for self-advocates Facilitated by Geert Freyhoff, Milan Šveřepa, Sandra Marques, Rebecca Shea Irvine What Inclusion Europe does How we work with European Parliament and Commission Exchange of experience and ideas about working with polititians and officials TOPSIDE+ project as an example of European cooperation Preparation for the Tuesday events at the European Parliament |
Tuesday 8.11.
9.30 – 12.30 |
Peer-support for people with intellectual disabilities. TOPSIDE+ final event at the European Parliament
Hosted by MEP Kostadinka Kuneva Facilitated by Geert Freyhoff, Sandra Marques A special event, where people with intellectual disabilities will demonstrate and explain how they became Peer Supporters for other people with intellectual disabilities in the framework of an Erasmus+ project. Self-advocates, family members as well as EU official are invited to participate. Overview of Inclusion Europe’s work and the importance being present in the heart of the EU. Preparing for informal meetings with EU officials. |
13.00 – 18.00 | Meeting EU policy makers
Self-advocates and family members Facilitated by José Smits, Rebecca Shea Irvine, Milan Šveřepa Informal group meetings with MEPs, representatives of the European Commisision and other key stakeholders. Self-advocates and family members share their issues and experiences and learn how to communicate them to key players at EU level. They learn about the work of EU officials, and how they can work together to achieve change for people with disabilites and family members. Follow-up session will help to summarise information and experience. The future of TOPSIDE and Peer-Support in Europe Geert Freyhoff Old and new TOPSIDE partners will evaluate in this session the work of the project and discuss about possibilities to advance the concept of Peer Support in the future. |
Wednesday 9.11.
9.00 – 12.00 |
Working together to achieve change
José Smits, Rebecca Shea Irvine Training session for self-advocates and family members Building on self-advocates’ and family members’ experience and expertise at national level. Developing skills for participation in EU policy making. Learning to work together to achieve change: better cooperation, stronger self-advocacy, engaging individual activists. Part of this session will be in the form of visiting and learning about other organizations important in shaping EU policies. |
13.00 – 16.00 | Self-advocacy: working together
Facilitated by Sandra Marques Self-advocates join EPSA Steering Group meeting to discuss cooperation and involvment in the European self-advocacy movement Follow-up and training finale for family members José Smits, Rebecca Shea Irvine “How can I use what I have learned back home?” “How can I get involved at EU level?” |
There are places of up to 10 Family Members available. They will have to pay a contribution to accommodation and catering costs of 100 € per person. Travel costs also have to be paid by the participants. They should declare their interest to participate by sending the completed registration form to
Inclusion Europe has received the funds to pay for travel and hotel costs of Self-Advocates but they will have to pay a contribution to the catering costs of 50 € per person.