(English) Inclusion Europe at the World Congress: a huge success!

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4 Responses

  1. 2nd août 2018

    […] Europe met Sue Swenson, the new president of Inclusion International, during the World Congress in Birmingham. Drawing from both her personal experience as a mother of a son with complex support […]

  2. 26th novembre 2018

    […] celebrated with you at our anniversary event, by portraying our Inclusion Heroes, and we also want to share our TOP 3*10 with […]

  3. 28th novembre 2018

    […] celebrated with you at our anniversary event, by portraying our Inclusion Heroes, and we also want to share our TOP 3*10 with […]

  4. 13th décembre 2018

    […] celebrated with you at our anniversary event, by portraying our Inclusion Heroes, and we also want to share our TOP 3 with […]