“What if all people had to do a test to vote?” – Inclusion Europe board member Harry Roche speaks to EU leaders at Disability Parliament

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6 Responses

  1. 19th joulukuu 2017

    […] It was also voting rights that he talked about at the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities, which all Hear our Voices participants attended. Self-advocates were impressed with the high-level event, which saw a record number of persons with intellectual disabilities participate (read more on Harry Roche’s speech and the EPPD in this article). […]

  2. 12th tammikuu 2018

    […] closely after the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities, approving the Oral Question would send a strong signal that the European Parliament is serious in […]

  3. 28th helmikuu 2018

    […] held a celebration for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities. […]

  4. 30th elokuu 2018

    […] our articles on the European Disability Parliament & the right to vote in Spain and find out more about our work on including people with […]

  5. 19th lokakuu 2018

    […] Europe itself got on the story. We talked about it to anyone who would […]

  6. 3rd joulukuu 2018

    […] “What if all people had to do a test to vote?” […]