(English) “I felt that my opinion matters”

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8 Responses

  1. 17th octobre 2017

    […] It was chaired by Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, an MEP participants had met at Inclusion Europe’s leadership training, which had dealt with the issue of violence against women with intellectual […]

  2. 20th octobre 2017

    […] and empowers people with intellectual disabilities in their decision-making. He emphasised recent leadership training, Europe for Us newsletter, and upcoming Hear Our Voices conference as examples of the ways […]

  3. 28th novembre 2017

    […] interviewed Mathilde about her experience at the leadership training we held here in Brussels, from the 26th-28th of […]

  4. 8th décembre 2017

    […] end of his speech, Harry Roche presented positive examples of political participation such as Sara Pickard, a woman from the United Kingdom who has Down Syndrome and is an active leader both in her […]

  5. 19th décembre 2017

    […] Inclusion Europe also held a leadership training for self-advocates and family members on the topic of violence against women with intellectual disabilities. Read more in this article. […]

  6. 12th janvier 2018

    […] persons with disabilities are widespread in the EU – and this needs to change! Following the leadership training Inclusion Europe held in September, the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Maria Grapini […]

  7. 22nd février 2018

    […] took part in Inclusion Europe’s leadership training for self-advocates and family members. The topic was violence against […]

  8. 17th avril 2018

    […] You can read an article about the event. […]