(English) Inclusion Europe presents three submissions to the UN CRPD Committee

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6 Responses

  1. 18th Julho 2017

    […] Europe is addressing this problematic part of the Draft General Comment in its own submission to the CRPD Committee, and in a common submission together with the European Disability Forum and […]

  2. 30th Agosto 2017

    […] If you’d like to read more, have a look at our submissions to the UN on articles 5 and 19. […]

  3. 31st Agosto 2017

    […] Comment further defines what the text of the Convention means. Previous versions of the draft included a very worrying passage on the “decision” to live in institutions, and also failed to emphasize the crucial […]

  4. 9th Janeiro 2018

    […] with civil society to give stakeholders an opportunity to present their point of view. Our first submission to the CRPD Committee in July 2017 preceded the first draft of the General Comment. Once the draft was published, we […]

  5. 30th Junho 2018

    […] Inclusion Europe presents three submissions to the UN CRPD Committee […]

  6. 31st Julho 2018

    […] Europe’s submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD Committee) on […]